Last Tuesday December 13th, Humberto González Barrantes received the Mauro Fernández Acuña award, which recognises him as the best teacher of 2016 in Costa Rica, after a 30 year career.

This is the maximum recognition that a teacher can get in Costa Rica, and it is granted by the Public Education Ministry (MEP).

For over twenty years, González has been working at the uni-teacher school of Jocotal Abajo, located in Vuelta de Jorco in Aserrí; where, beside his teaching work, he must assume administrative duties as principal, cleaning tasks, working in the kitchen as well as  the nursing room.

What makes the difference with this outstanding teacher? González promotes the constructivist tendency, which proposes that the knowledgement is built and the students incorporate it to their lives, based on their own experiences, it is a fully interactive process.

*Source: La Nación Digital (*