Juntas al bachi
85% of poor families in Costa Rica, depend on persons who did not finish secondary school (Data: National Household Survey 2020). Often, these persons are women who have to fight alone, making huge sacrifices, to move their families forward.
Many of those mothers want to study, have the self-discipline to do it and to care for their family at the same time, and in some cases they even already passed part of the subject, but they lack the possibility of attending an educational centre or entering the National College of Distance Education (Colegio Nacional de Educación a la Distancia – CONED) to continue.
Therefore, we joined forces with the technological solutions company Cecropia and the group of students TCU 089 from the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de Costa Rica, under the guidance of Prof. Diego Ugalde.
Cecropia is in charge of the software in which the students of TCU 089 (TCU is the obligatory voluntary community work required of university students during their final year), upload the material with which it is possible to prepare for the Bachillerato por Madurez exams (Exams required to get the title of graduation from secondary studies). This way, the mothers that register for Juntas al Bachi can study at their ow pace, from home, and without having to neglect their obligations. It should be noted that, in a first stage, we offer fourth and fifth year for who already finished third cycle (up to third year of secondary school), however it is our aim to extend the programme to all levels of secondary studies.
The programme targets mothers of secondary school students. Why them?
Because having students of the same level at home allows for mutual motivation.
Because mom is often the one who cannot leave home as she has to care for young children, elderly parents, sick persons, do housework, etc.
Because if mom finishes secondary school, not only the children have a higher likelihood of also continuing to study, but also, the entire family has better options to get out of poverty.
How does it work?
- If enrollment is accepted, you will receive a username and password for first entry. The password has to be changed for one chosen by the student.
- Within the system, you will have access to the subject(s) requested. Each subject includes texts, videos, podcasts, among others, as well as a forum for questions and doubts if additional explanation is needed.
- Apart from the subjects, we will also provide tools like tips for studying, time management, combining family/household with studies, etc.
- As you go mastering subjects, you can earn ‘badges’ to measure your progress.
- When you feel ready, sign up for the exam.
- And of course….when you have your title, send us a photo 🙂
Questions or doubts?
Please feel free to call us at 8440-0303.
Don’t hesitate! Take this opportunity to graduate from secondary school and be an example for your family! We wish you all the best.